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Welcome to SBC Foods, where food innovation meets efficient processing and packaging solutions. We are dedicated to helping home industries and small to medium-sized enterprises grow and succeed in the global marketplace.

With our Small Batch Micro Manufacturing technology, we are able to process and package a wide range of food products with the same level of efficiency, consistency, and certifications as large-scale manufacturers. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment for food innovators to take their creations from the kitchen to the masses, with the help of BPOM and HALAL certifications.

By consolidating consumable requirements, we are able to control costs and offer lower minimum order quantities for customized products. Our growing database of customers and retailers provides a ready outlet for product sampling and final launches.

What is Micro-Manufacturing?


At SBC Foods, we utilize micro-manufacturing to produce our vegan condiments in small batches up to 50 liters. This not only allows us to have better control over our processes and recipes, but it's also better for the environment. We use less energy and resources, and minimize food waste compared to mass manufacturing processes.

Why is eating locally better for the environment?


We take pride in sourcing predominantly local raw materials to manufacture our condiments in Indonesia. By eating locally, not only are you supporting your local economy, but you're also doing your part for the environment. When you choose SBC Foods, you can be sure that your food hasn't traveled long distances or been refrigerated for days, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

We are a team of passionate food innovators committed to delivering high-quality products and fostering sustainable practices. We'd love to hear from you and show you what we're all about. Contact us today to learn more about our micro-manufacturing solutions and how we can help you achieve your food industry goals.



SBC Foods is a BPOM certified manufacturer based in Jakarta, specializing in development, processing, and packaging of a wide variety of edible condiments.

We are dedicated to providing consumers with healthy food options that do not contain any artificial
preservatives or colors. Our creations are made using high quality traceable ingredients and undergo periodical testing

by our laboratory partners.

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